Hilliard Earth Week Recycling Collection: Saturday, April 17, 10am – 12pm
March 12, 2021Help Save the Monarch Butterfly
April 22, 2021
April 17th – April 24th 2021 Earth Week!
Hilliard ESC is proud to be hosting a virtual Earth Week in April of 2021(#HilliardEarthWeek)! Please join us in person at a social distanced recycling event on April 17th and online for virtual events like:
- Earth Week Recycling Drive: April 17th, 2021 10am – Noon. Click here for more information. **Note: for the safety of our volunteers and other residents, masks must be worn at all times while on city property.**
- For All Species Education: Join us for a live virtual program with Dr. Diana Huang of For All Species Education. Meet the ambassador animals and ask questions. Saturday, April 24th at 11:00 am. Join us at this link.
- Community Backyards Conservation Class and Rebate Program: Register now for the Franklin County the first virtual Community Backyards class of 2021 on Earth Day! Franklin County residents who qualify will receive a $25 or $50 rebate for conservation items in their backyard, such as a rain barrel or native landscaping plant. For more information, visit http://www.communitybackyards.org/ or register here.
- Hilliard Earth Week Cleanup: In the famous words of Woodsy Owl, “Lend a Hand – Care for the Land!” Everyone is encouraged to do at least one clean up in the community during Earth Week. Parks and neighborhoods are excellent places to pick up trash and inspire others in the community to do the same. Take a picture and post it on social media with the hashtag #HilliardEarthWeek.
- Earth Day Tree Bingo: Trees are the longest living organisms on the planet and one of the earth’s greatest natural resources. They keep our air supply clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality, help prevent erosion, provide food and building materials, create shade, and help make our landscapes look beautiful. Play a game of Tree Bingo with the Hilliard Recreation & Parks Department during the month of April. Stop by the Hilliard Community Center front desk for your tree bingo card and instructions, April 17 – 24. Then go out to your favorite Hilliard Park and identify the trees. **Note: for the safety of our volunteers and other residents, masks must be worn at all times while on city property.**
- Homestead Metro Park Scavenger Hunt: Bring your pod to Homestead Metro Park for an Earth Week Scavenger Hunt! Have fun at your convenience finding sixteen in-park items and marking them off your scavenger list, which you can download here: [Homestead Metro Park- Earth Week Scavenger Hunt 2021]. Remember: Take Only Memories, Leave Only Footprints. **Note: for the safety of our volunteers and other residents, masks must be worn at all times while on city property.**
- ODNR Nature Games: This Earth week, enjoy exploring the great outdoors with these three ODNR nature games!
- ODNR Wild & Scenic Rivers: Check out the ODNR Ohio’s Wild & Scenic Rivers webinar series featuring Division of Natural Areas & Preserves staff! Scenic Rivers staff share captivating information about our rivers and the creatures who inhabit them. Families. And don’t forget to use the new Scenic Rivers Kid’s Activity Book to go along with them:
- Part 1 Role of a River: Introduction to the Scenic Rivers and Why Clean Water Matters
- Part 2 Hunting for Waterbugs: What Bugs Tell Us About Water Quality
- Part 3 Waterbug Superpowers: Bug Identification and Their Tricks for Underwater Survival
- Part 4 Welcome to the Riparian Zone: Why Rivers Need Trees
Questions? Please contact Kim Movshin at: kmovshin@hilliardohio.gov.