Take the Go Green Hilliard Pledge!
December 22, 2020Rumpke Expands Plastics Recycling and More…
January 19, 2021Our next polystyrene recycling collection will take place on Saturday, January 2, 2021 from 10-noon at the Hilliard Community Center.
**Note: for the safety of our volunteers and other residents, masks must be worn at all times while on city property.**
Please remove tape, paper and any other contaminants from the packaging. Clean expanded polystyrene (EPS) only and foam peanuts only. Please separate and bag foam peanuts. We do not currently accept construction-grade foam, expanded polyethylene (EPE), foam sheeting, or food-grade foam containers.
You can find more detailed information about acceptable/unacceptable materials here:Why is polystyrene not accepted in my curbside recycling bin?
Most curbside residential recycling programs do not accept polystyrene because the market for the material is limited and because transportation costs can be prohibitive (i.e., because the material is so light).
Why do we only accept EPS and not EPE or other foam materials (such as food trays)?
The particular equipment (known as a “foam densifier”) used at the facility we transport our collected foam material to processes only EPS. Additionally, because the market for recycled EPS is limited, it is important for us to ensure that the material is of high quality and free from contaminants.
Again, masks must be worn at all times while on city property, and please follow the restrictions detailed above for smoother and faster drop-off lines. We reserve the right to refuse cars with unmasked people, and we will refuse items if contaminated with unacceptable materials. Please help us in helping divert material from the landfill by adhering to these few restrictions.
Finally, in the event of any public health changes, please check gogreenhilliard.com to ensure that the event is still occurring.